dbd-mysql - where is it?

George Entenman zabouti at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 07:51:53 PST 2009

On this page (
there is a message concerning rb-dbd-mysql:

    rb-dbd-mysql 0.0.23
        Ruby DBI driver for Mysql. OBSOLETE: please use dbd_mysql variant of
        Maintained by: robertoatfreebsd.org
        Categories: databases
        Platforms: darwin

How do I find it?

And, has it been ported to work with mysql5-devel?

(I'm trying to get ruby-dbi working with MySQL 5.1.30 and have failed with
my normal OSX 10.5 version of ruby.  Any help would be appreciated.)

George Entenman
Chapel Hill, NC
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