Claws-mail port question

Rainer Müller raimue at
Fri Jan 9 02:07:10 PST 2009

Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> It looks like Guido Soranzio (gui_dos at macports dot org) first  
> added the port in February 2008, and Rainer Mueller (raimue at  
> macports dot org) updated it in January 2009. You could ask them if  
> they have any guidance. But since they are not listed as the  
> maintainer, perhaps they are not able to answer such questions. If  
> you would like to investigate what needs to be done to fix it (talk  
> with the authors of the software, or their support list if they have  
> one), please feel free to report back your findings so that the port  
> can be improved. If you can supply a patch to fix the port, or to add  
> separate ports for the plugins, if that's appropriate, even better.  
> If you would like to be the port's maintainer, let us know.

I just wanted to give claws-mail a try and therefore updated the port to
the latest version. But I don't use claws-mail regularly, so I have no
idea about these plugins. I only tried the GnuPG plugins, which worked fine.


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