p5 modules, get me started on one

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Tue Jan 20 16:07:56 PST 2009

If I need this module

I am still not entirely sure how I get to it.  There is source on the  
page for just net::smtp, but it looks like I have to get libnet as  
well?  If I do have libnet installed, how do I confirm it has  
net::smtp in it?

Just for kicks, I made a port for net-smtp 2.31 and all the fetches  
fail of course.  So I suspect I need to use libnet instead.  But how  
would someone searching in macports, for net::smtp, ever know it is  
there, since it is hidden away in libnet?

Is there some part of the port file where I am supposed to list all  
the parts?  If there is, how do I get such a list?

# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup perl5 1.0

perl5.setup             net-smtp 2.31
maintainers             hostwizard.com:scott

description             Net::SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client

long_description        test

homepage                http://search.cpan.org/~gbarr/libnet-1.22/Net/SMTP.pm

platforms               darwin


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