p5 modules, get me started on one

Bryan Blackburn blb at macports.org
Tue Jan 20 17:01:09 PST 2009

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 04:07:56PM -0800, Scott Haneda said:
> If I need this module
> http://search.cpan.org/~gbarr/libnet-1.22/Net/SMTP.pm
> I am still not entirely sure how I get to it.  There is source on the  
> page for just net::smtp, but it looks like I have to get libnet as well?  
> If I do have libnet installed, how do I confirm it has net::smtp in it?

Some perl modules come packaged in groups like that, which definitely can
cause confusion.  Maybe the best solution would be to list all actual
modules installed with the given port?  Then it may be easier to search for

> Just for kicks, I made a port for net-smtp 2.31 and all the fetches fail 
> of course.  So I suspect I need to use libnet instead.  But how would 
> someone searching in macports, for net::smtp, ever know it is there, since 
> it is hidden away in libnet?
> Is there some part of the port file where I am supposed to list all the 
> parts?  If there is, how do I get such a list?

The base perl5.8 port should actually have what's in libnet like Net::SMTP,
so no port should actually be needed for this one.


> --
> Scott

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