ASSP port testing, not getting all perl mods to work

Scott Haneda talklists at
Wed Jan 21 12:40:14 PST 2009

Hello, this may be getting a little outside the scope of what this  
list can help me with.  Hopefully we can solve it so I can actually  
get my email server where I want.

I downloaded the ASSP package

The notes say I need some modules, which I managed to port install or  
make a port to get them installed.

Here is the list from their README as to what I need

Here is a list from `port installed`

In short, all I need to get it working is to cd into the ASSP  
directory, and run `perl` which will start it as a server, and  
give me a report to the console, as well as a log, telling me what is  
going on.

Looking over their files, I can see they are referencing a local perl  
location, which will not work, so I do a global find and replace to  
repair that.  I am near certain for MacPorts I need to use /opt/local/ 

#!/usr/bin/perl -> #!/opt/local/bin/perl
I am pretty sure, according to the old outdated ASSP port, this is all  
it is doing.  The old port makes some new users and groups, but I do  
not think that is related, nor needed anymore.

cd /Users/me/Downloads/ASSP_1.4.3.1-Install/ASSP
sudo perl

It starts, and most of my efforts worked out, however, there are a few  
that do not.  Here is the result of the log file:

Most of the errors are because it is a new install, but there are a  
few I am lost on:
Jan-21-09 12:27:32 Email::Valid module not installed
Jan-21-09 12:27:32 Mail::SPF module not installed
*Jan-21-09 12:27:32 Tie::RDBM module not installed - mysql usage not  

* Tie:RDBM may simply fail because I do not have MySql installed at  
this point, however, I am pretty sure it should still show as installed.

port contents p5-email-valid
Port p5-email-valid contains:

port contents p5-mail-spf
Port p5-mail-spf contains:

port contents p5-tie-dbi
Port p5-tie-dbi contains:

Looks to me like they are all there, and they should all work.  I do  
not know enough perl to run three basic tests to make calls to each,  
and confirm if it is in ASSP, or if it is in MacPorts. On another  
machine, a while back, I used CPAN, and had 100% success in making  
this work, but with that, I did not have to find and replace out the  
perl path.

I am 99% there, and I will have an awesome port, with a option to pre- 
enable LDAP for my email server, and the ability to add the ldap  
strings for any other server, which is the hardest part of getting  
ASSP running live.

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