Difference between uninstalled and deactivated ?

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Fri Jan 23 12:11:03 PST 2009

Chris Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just noticed something the perhaps someone can explain to me.
> Whenever I run 'sudo port upgrade outpdated', and a port gets upgraded,
> the old port is first deactivated before the new one is installed and
> activated. But the old port is never uninstalled ? What does this mean ?
> Does it mean over time my system will slowly fill up with old unused
> versions of ports ?

Yes, that's exactly what it means. This is a design decision which
allows you to roll back to an older version if there are problems with
the new one.

> Should I worry about uninstalling the _0 and _1 ports ? If so, is there
> some way I can get this done automatically while upgrading ?

You can uninstall older versions with `sudo port uninstall name
@version` (just copy & paste the name and version from the output of
`port installed`). Or you can uninstall all inactive versions at once
with `sudo port uninstall inactive`.

If you wish, you can use the -u option when upgrading to immediately
uninstall the old versions after installing the new ones.


- Josh

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