install slib-guile hangs on activation
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at
Mon Jan 26 02:08:40 PST 2009
On Jan 26, 2009, at 03:39, danstadler wrote:
> The install was not actually hanging on extract or configure, I
> just thought
> it was. Macports was, I'm pretty sure, just assembling it's
> information
> about all the dependencies, before invoking those steps. Since
> gnucash is
> my first macports install, the sheer number of dependencies was so
> large
> that it seemed like the process had hung. In the end, after
> installing a
> bunch of ports based on the output of ./configure, I just tried "port
> install gnucash" once more and let it run, and it finally started
> doing the
> extract and the configure and everything. Overnight run, and
> gnucash was
> installed.
> I think "port install" should print a message to the user, saying
> what it's
> doing in such a delay like this. For newbies such as me, it's
> disconcerting
> to see it just go away and not say anything for so long.
The amount of time port takes before printing anything depends in
large part on the number of dependencies the port has, and on the
speed of your computer. As gnucash has quite a lot of dependencies
[1] it will indeed take quite awhile before it says anything.
If you want a more responsive progress display or if you're just
curious what's being done behind the scenes, then the debug flag -d
is for you.
sudo port -d install gnucash
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