Reverting to previous ports - mysql5

Bradley Giesbrecht brad at
Sat Jun 6 09:03:35 PDT 2009

On Jun 6, 2009, at 8:32 AM, Chris Janton wrote:

> This is on my 10.3 system.
> I unfortunately installed mysql5-server on my 10.3.9 system after  
> getting an "obsolete +server" message.
> My startup files have become confused.
> I figure one way to get back to where I want to be is to get rid of  
> the current mysql5 and replace it with a previous version
>  mysql5 @5.0.77_2+server
>  mysql5 @5.0.81_0+server
>  mysql5 @5.0.82_0+server (active)
> so I deactivated .82 and activated .81 -
> My attempts to use SystemStarter to start mysql5 failed, but I was  
> able to get back where I belong by issuing the start command on its  
> own
> sudo /opt/local/share/mysql5/mysql/mysql.server start

I don't use the SystemStarter command so I can't comment but here is  
what I do.

launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql5-devel.plist

The -w (write) causes mysql5-devel to be started automatically during  
system boot.


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