port outdated command works propely after Porticus being installed.

Kuniaki Mukai mukai at sfc.keio.ac.jp
Tue Mar 10 09:43:48 PDT 2009

On Mar 11, 2009, at 1:37 AM, Joshua Root wrote:

> Kuniaki Mukai wrote:
>> I installed so far more than 400 ports. Thanks for Macports.
>> For these months, may be  more than a half of a year,
>> the 'port  outdated' command  has given nothing 
>> to me whenever I checked.  Although it was 
>> strange, but I persuaded myself to think MacPorts 
>> were now so stable that no update was neccessary.
>> However, after I installed recently the Porticus application, 
>> I found that every time  after doing the selfupdate menu
>> of the application, the same command 
>> 'port  outdated' shows  many outdated ports information 
>> to update.  It seems  as if macports does not work 
>> properly without the Porticus.
>> How can MacPorts's  'outdated' command be made to work 
>> properly without helps of other applications ? 
>> As a fact of matter, I am  afraid that some files of Macports
>> of my mac are broken. 
>> MacOSX 10.5.6 
> Did you ever run `sudo port selfupdate` or `sudo port sync` before
> installing Porticus?

Yes, I did.  I will do it for sure whether it is reproducible even  now
or not. 

K. Mukai

> - Josh

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