port install efficiency issue

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Sun Mar 22 06:56:10 PDT 2009

Darren Weber wrote:
> What is up with port?  It just ran for about 15 mins to build a package
> that is already installed.  If I were to work on the same damn thing,
> repeating it all day, day after day, I would get the sack pretty
> quickly.  Just think of the useless load on the network and the servers
> for all those futile downloads, etc.

I agree with you, that this is not ideal. But I also don't know why port
was made to behave in this way.

> So tell me, why shouldn't I switch
> to fink?  At least Debian has a decent package management system, geez!

Uh, just a single bug or flaw gets you change to another system?

I know and admit MacPorts is not perfect. But be aware that there are a
few people working on the bugs you report. Ranting against MacPorts
isn't helpful at all to get bugs fixed - especially it's not good for

Please keep your reports specific and constructive. If you go on
comparing MacPorts with other similar projects, I would hope it is no
problem to say, "X is better at Y than MacPorts, because it does Z".


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