php5 & "port test php5"

Bradley Giesbrecht brad at
Mon Mar 23 13:34:46 PDT 2009

On Mar 23, 2009, at 1:00 PM, drf wrote:

> Hi,
>  My setup:   Mac Mini, 10.4.11, Xcode 2.5, GCC 4, MacPorts 1.7
> Everything compiles fine, there are some complaints about signedness  
> from the compiler, but it all looks ok.  But when I run the PHP test  
> suite, over 70 tests fail, including ones I wouldn't really expect,  
> like on the function easterdate().  I can not find any hints  
> anywhere on what might be happening, so I'm wondering if these tests  
> really are that important. Should a completely default, standard,  
> stock install of php5 with MacPorts pass all the PHP self tests fine?

What are you commands are you executing and what are the results?

I don't see a php function named easterdate. There is easter_date  
which appears to work fine on my php5 install.

port installed
   php5 @5.2.8_1+apache2+imap+macosx+mysql5+pear+pspell+readline+sqlite 
+tidy (active)

> The thing is, when I set up everything myself (not using MacPorts to  
> compile php5) the same set of tests failed - the config of php5 did  
> reference various macport installed libraries, etc.  I am now at the  
> point where I am wondering if I ought to toss all of MacPorts and  
> try to install everything myself that is needed to compile php5.
> So any advice, pointers on where to look, or hints on 64 bit vs 32  
> would be greatly appreciated

Please provide more information on your environment like macports  
version, php5 version, php5 line from port installed, the command you  
are using to test php5 and the result of those tests. If the result is  
to verbose summarize.


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