subversion books ?

Bill Hernandez ms at
Tue Mar 31 19:52:13 PDT 2009

On Mar 31, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Ben Greenfield wrote:

> Talking about subversion is borderline topic but probably 95% of the  
> people on the list are interested in the topic so it seems fine.
> Plugging books would be right on edge of the line, and I would say  
> is trending towards bad taste.

I owe nothing whatsoever to the vendor. I don't even know their names.  
They carry a huge selection of strictly programming and technical  
books, the largest I have ever seen in one location. Since this is a  
technical group, my goal was to pass on to the group a great place I  
had found, a place that perhaps they could benefit from.

I have received great benefit from this forum, particularly the people  
that give so much of their time to less experienced people like  
myself, and have given little, or nothing in return.

I saw this as a gesture to help the group, not to help any vendor.  If  
you took it other than the way it was intended, I sincerely apologize.

Most of the time I tend to repeat myself, ramble, make typos, usually  
because I type fast and poorly, and don't proof read to boot. It is  
later when I see the message as it returns,that I usually spot some  
huge grammar error. At that point I wish I could recall the message,  
but it's too late. It was not a well worded message, and I sent it, I  
looked for the recall button, but couldn't find it.

> The follow-up recommending a vendor to purchase the  books I thought  
> was over the top.

It was however, sincerely meant as gesture of thanks. Sorry, you read  
something into it, that it was not...

Bill Hernandez
Plano, Texas

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