Error with FFMPEG

Gus webmaster at
Tue May 12 03:45:27 PDT 2009

I am not sure if the port was out of date as it was downloaded within  
24 hours of making the post. to this list..

Gus Denton

On 12/05/2009, at 8:38 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On May 11, 2009, at 16:46, David Evans wrote:
>>>> You need to upgrade XCode to version 3.1 or better.  This is a  
>>>> know error in version 3.0.
>>> In that case, the x264 port should prevent installation on Leopard  
>>> with Xcode versions earlier than 3.1. Some code for doing this  
>>> which has been used in many ports already can be copied to the  
>>> x264 portfile from e.g. the graphviz portfile (though you'd adjust  
>>> the required Xcode version number to 3.1).
>> The code you mention was added in r49663 so I'm not sure what  
>> happened here.  Looks like it should work.
> Oh, you're right. Then I don't know. Maybe the user's ports were out  
> of date.

Angus Denton
Asparagus Arts
Web and Database constructions

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