upgrading gcc44 not working properly?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon May 18 05:34:10 PDT 2009

On May 18, 2009, at 06:03, Markus Weissmann wrote:

> On Sun, May 17, 2009 06:18, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> gcc44 was updated from version 4.4-20090331 to version 4.4.0 final in
>> r50108, but the rpm-vercomp procedure in MacPorts thinks 4.4-20090331
>> is greater than 4.4.0, hence port outdated is not showing you the
>> port as outdated. The epoch of the port should have been increased in
>> that revision to inform MacPorts that 4.4.0 should be considered the
>> newer version. Markus, can you increase the epoch please so users of
>> the gcc44 beta are advised of the availability of the final version?
>> Thanks.
> Sure, but I won't have access to the repository before wednesday,  
> so if
> someone would do me the favor of `epoch++' I'd greatly appreciate it!

Done in r51111! Thanks.

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