Native Quartz version of gnucash

cory steers madsteer at
Mon May 25 19:41:08 PDT 2009

OK.  The reason I was using the "-w" is because disabled was set to "true"
in the plist.  However, it wasn't working, as disabled is still set to true.
regardless of "-w"  I can only assume that it wasn't working because I
wasn't using sudo and don't have permission to write to that file as
Anyway, after running "launchctl  load
-F /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist"  dbus-session
did in fact start up, and gnucash is running cleanly and is working exactly
as expected.  So, yes it would appear that "_5" of dbus does work fine.

So, first.  Woohoo, it's working!  Thank you all for all the help.  This
mailing list is awesome, and is helping macports to be a great FOSS project!

Lastly, is this how I have to run?  Manually run launchctl after every
reboot etc., before running gnucash, or can I somehow turn disabled to false
on the plist and get all working smoothly?  I don't know if it's good/bad to
have dbus running all the time?  "dbus-launch gnucash" results in "EOF in
dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon" so what is the desired


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Mike Alexander <mta at> wrote:

> --On May 25, 2009 3:17:56 PM -0500 cory steers <madsteer at> wrote:
>  Yeah, I see in that other thread.  I can't do that work around, as I
>> only have the latest version of dbus (1.2.12_5) installed.Here's my
>> output from launchctl:
>> launchctl load -w
>> /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist launchctl:
>> CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource(/Library/LaunchAgents/org.freed
>> esktop.dbus-session.plist) failed: -10
>> is there a way to install the older version (1.2.12_4) of dbus, and
>> is it OK to do that over the newer version (1.2.12_5)?
> You don't want the "-w".  Leave that off and it should work better. Version
> 1.2.12_5 of dbus works fine with GnuCash, I've been using it for quite a
> while with no problems.
>        Mike
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