Native Quartz version of gnucash

Mike Alexander mta at
Mon May 25 16:30:34 PDT 2009

--On May 25, 2009 3:17:56 PM -0500 cory steers <madsteer at> 

> Yeah, I see in that other thread.  I can't do that work around, as I
> only have the latest version of dbus (1.2.12_5) installed.Here's my
> output from launchctl:
> launchctl load -w
> /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist launchctl:
> CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource(/Library/LaunchAgents/org.freed
> esktop.dbus-session.plist) failed: -10
> is there a way to install the older version (1.2.12_4) of dbus, and
> is it OK to do that over the newer version (1.2.12_5)?

You don't want the "-w".  Leave that off and it should work better. 
Version 1.2.12_5 of dbus works fine with GnuCash, I've been using it 
for quite a while with no problems.


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