mdmg etc

Eric neric27 at
Mon Nov 16 13:18:51 PST 2009

Joshua Root a écrit :
> On 2009-11-17 07:00, Eric wrote:
>> I would like to know if variants work and how to specify variants, e.g.
>> sudo port mpkg gpodder +quartz +no_x11
>> to create a package of gpodder with gtk-quartz, etc..
> Yes, variants are applied for all targets and are always specified the
> same way.
>> And is it possible to install the package somewhere else than (say) in
>> /opt/local ?
> Only if you install MacPorts in the desired prefix.
Does it mean that m?dmg/m?pkg doesn't create a package for a standalone
installation ?

>> Also, will exiting archives be reused or will the packaging commands
>> always rebuild from scratch ?
> Archives are not the same as packages, but existing archives, pkgs and
> dmgs should be kept as long as they are not older than the portfile.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear : what I wanted to know was is the
packaging commands will use an existing archive (from
/opt/local/var/macports/packages), from a previous install or do they
rebuild everything from scratch ?

> - Josh

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