Snow Leopard ate my ports

Alexy Khrabrov deliverable at
Tue Oct 13 12:00:18 PDT 2009

Josh --

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Joshua Root <jmr at> wrote:
> ls -d /opt/local-old/var/macports/receipts/*/*

Thanks!  Still the migration doc is pretty bare bones -- it says to
save a simple list of ports, hand-pick the ones you still need, and
skip the dependencies, and remember to reinstall with the right
variants!  But of course I'm going to forget to add
+weird_godzilla_hack for an obscure dependency I need, and it's all
going to be wrong.

Is there a more semi-automatic way to

-- record all ports with all variants needed to reinstall them
-- in correct order of dependencies
-- and feed it to a new, empty port install?


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