Non-working non-root install

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Sep 2 08:21:53 PDT 2009

On Aug 31, 2009, at 11:25, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> I am attaching a script which reproduces the problem on my system  
> (clean install of Snow Leopard), and the output I get. When you run  
> it, do you see the problem on your system as well? You need to edit  
> the user in the script. Note that it installs MacPorts in /tmp/mp  
> and downloads the MacPorts source to /tmp/macportsbase. You can edit  
> these at the top of the script too if you want.

Can somebody please test what happens when they run this script on  
their system? It will not affect your current MacPorts install. The  
version of the script attached to this email is updated so that you  
don't need to enter your username manually.

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