Trying to rebuild on 10.6

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Sep 5 06:02:15 PDT 2009

On Sep 5, 2009, at 07:48, Mark Hattam wrote:

> <help2man.txt>
> In case this helps work out a workaround ... this is the outcome of  
> the forced update, as far as it got
> You can see which ports had been rebuilt and which hadn't. Clearly  
> the order of rebuilding is important, though it's not configurable  
> other than by uninstalling ones beforehand that might cause problems  
> (like gawk, grep. gsed already identified)

I don't see perl5 or perl5.8 listed there, so please upgrade those.  
Joshua said in #21069 that "the way things are set up, perl doesn't  
get rebuilt". I don't understand why yet, so we have to work around it  
for now.

Please keep the discussion on the list so others can learn the  
solution once we find it.

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