Trying to rebuild on 10.6

Mark Hattam mark at
Sat Sep 5 17:45:49 PDT 2009

On 5 Sep 2009, at 14:02, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Sep 5, 2009, at 07:48, Mark Hattam wrote:
>> <help2man.txt>
>> In case this helps work out a workaround ... this is the outcome of  
>> the forced update, as far as it got
>> You can see which ports had been rebuilt and which hadn't. Clearly  
>> the order of rebuilding is important, though it's not configurable  
>> other than by uninstalling ones beforehand that might cause  
>> problems (like gawk, grep. gsed already identified)
> I don't see perl5 or perl5.8 listed there, so please upgrade those.  
> Joshua said in #21069 that "the way things are set up, perl doesn't  
> get rebuilt". I don't understand why yet, so we have to work around  
> it for now.
> Please keep the discussion on the list so others can learn the  
> solution once we find it.

Up on 10.6 now using the "manual method" as shown on

Had to choose an order of installation based on the previously  
installed port list (myports.txt), but seemed to go OK.

1. The iMac froze solid while staging python25 into destroot ...  
python25 was by install of getmail. After 10 mins of frozen cursor, I  
switched off the machine, restarted, typed sudo port install getmail  
and it carried on where it left off and seems fine. Nothing apparently  
in Console logs to indicate a problem.

2. DSPAM overwrote /opt/local/etc/dspam.conf with its default file of  
the same name. TimeMachine did a good job of putting my version back in.

3. various permission issues on ...
     /opt/local/bin/dspam ... changed from  ...  -r-x--s---    2 root   
mail   ... to ....  -rwxr-xr-x    2 root  mail
     /opt/local/var/dspam/data  ... changed from ... drwxrwx---   3  
root  mail  ... to ... drwxrwxrwx
     (and the folders & files (.stats and .log) inside /data
     Probably a fault of my own making / lack of understanding as to  
its "different" user/group.

4. SMTP problems with my ISP ... in common with many 10.6 users on  
various ISPs ...
two solutions to this ... both work for me here
i)  enable outgoing SSL and username and password. Thunderbird is  
still happy to send mail without all that.
ii) specify port 25 in "use custom port" despite the default port  
having 25 in it ... and the "Connection Doctor" in Mail saying it was  
happily connected.

5. other Macports quirks ...

installing php5 +apache2
     installed perl5 as well as perl5.8 ... I didn't appear to have  
perl5 on the 10.5.8 install (and I'd rebuilt it just the other day)
     installed autoconf ... I expected that anyway from previous  
discussion about build requirement ports

Having finished all the installs, I've not yet found what previously  
had installed
     tiff @3.8.2_3+macosx (active)

I can't image I installed it for its own sake. Is there a way (via  
TimeMachine) to see what caused it to be installed before? I can't see  
that gd or exif requires it today.


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