KDE4 mess on Snow Leopard

Dominik Reichardt domiman at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 09:37:01 PDT 2009

Am 22.09.2009 um 09:04 schrieb Nils:

>> - cmake has problems
> Installed it some days ago and used it to compile freefoam, worked w/o
> any problems on SL.

There's a tracker item about cmake +universal http://trac.macports.org/ticket/20871

> Trolltech has also an official distribution
> for KDE 4 on the Mac, I downloaded this and installed it, but I can't
> figure out where it put the include files and the libs.. any ideas?

If you download the correct package for mac (qt-mac- 
opensource-4.5.2.dmg) the framework is in
But if you used the cocoa package qt-mac-cocoa-opensource-4.5.2.dmg  
there is no qt3support, just like the tracker item I mentioned in the  
previous post suggests.
I don't think building kde4 stuff from macports will be able to use  
that framework, but if it could that would be great :)
Another way might be to only build all the kdestuff in 32-bit, but  
then I'm really not good with all that stuff to really shoot off my  


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