MacPorts 1.8.1 has been released

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Sep 29 04:30:46 PDT 2009

On Sep 29, 2009, at 06:27, Joe Schnide wrote:

> I have had problems with macports and Snow Leopard. I was able to
> resolve those issues on an MBP Intel 10.6 by uninstalling macports
> completely and installing MacPorts-1.8.0-10.6-SnowLeopard. I was
> able to install most of the ports I had under 10.5.x. I have since
> upgraded to 10.6.1.
> I attempted the same thing with an Intel iMac 10.6.1. I removed
> macports completely and am having problems installing macports.
> If I use the 1.8.0 dmg, I get the error:
> MacPorts-1.8.0 can't be installed on this computer.
> The specified message could not be found for the index 16.

"The specified message could not be found" is one of the problems we  
fixed in 1.8.1.

> I then tried to install with the 1.8.1 dmg and get the error:
> MacPorts-1.8.1 can't be installed on this computer.
> This package is meant to be installed on Mac OS X 10.6

The installer doesn't seem to think you're running Mac OS X 10.6 on  
this computer. What is the output of "uname -a" and "sw_vers"?

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