
Peter B. West lists at pbw.id.au
Tue Sep 29 21:59:05 PDT 2009

Following some recent messages about problems with software in /usr/ 
local. I had a look. I had quite a bit of stuff in there.

gcc in libexec

I removed the mysql, and installed mysql5-devel and mysql5-server- 
devel from MacPorts.

I removed wireshark from Applications, and cleaned up as best I could  
in /use/local. Now I notice that someone else is reporting wireshark  
problems. I haven't tried to install yet.

The tcl/tk and gfortran came with the R installation. I removed R, and  
tried to install again with a manual location override. Unfortunately,  
although R itself goes in appropriate places, the tcl/tk and fortran  
extensions go into /usr/local, and can't be persuaded other wise.

Trying to install R, I ran into a problem with cairo, which I recall  
seeing discussed recently, but can't remember the details.

MacFUSE is also in /usr/local, and I don't know what it was associated  
with, so I left it there.

I installed 1.8.1 using selfupdate. Is there some simple procedure I  
should be applying, that will let everything build?


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