AsteriskNow Installed

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Aug 6 13:13:29 PDT 2010

On Aug 6, 2010, at 15:04, Mike Bronner wrote:

> I'm new to MacPorts (please bear with me). I just installed Asterisk and AsteriskNow via MacPorts, and was wondering how do I access the web interface for asterisknow?
> I installed them on a 10.5 Leopard Server, which is already running web services (wiki, blog, calendar, etc.). Typing in the IP address of the server only opens the wiki. Is there a special URL/Port for AsteriskNow? I'm guessing that the MacPorts version is different than the default AsteriskNow installation.

Welcome to MacPorts. On this list we know a lot about helping you install ports with MacPorts. But if you need help once the port is installed, then you need someone with knowledge of that specific software. Asterisk is software most users have probably never heard of, let alone used. Your best bet is to contact the port maintainer or the developers of this software for assistance.

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