AsteriskNow Installed

Scott Webster sewebster at
Fri Aug 6 13:17:37 PDT 2010

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Mike Bronner <mike.bronner at> wrote:
> I installed them on a 10.5 Leopard Server, which is already running web services (wiki, blog, calendar, etc.). Typing in the IP address of the server only opens the wiki. Is there a special URL/Port for AsteriskNow? I'm guessing that the MacPorts version is different than the default AsteriskNow installation.

Do any macports packages that install web services use the OSX web
server, or do they use a macports installed server?

"port contents asterisknow" will tell you what files the port
installed, which may give you an idea of where they are being served


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