Ports applications are not shown to Mac Application menu

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Aug 21 15:28:44 PDT 2010

On Aug 20, 2010, at 14:16, C. Santos wrote:

> I suppose that the same idea would be applied to claws-mail but I don't feel comfortable to give it a try myself, I mean, to create a patch.

It looks like for claws-mail it's not so straightforward because when you run claws-mail from the command line, it does not put an icon in the dock. It's not an Aqua application at all, in fact; it's an X11 application. So creating a double-clickable icon for it is not as simple as it was for bzflag (that I know of).

For X11 apps though you can put a shortcut into the Applications menu inside the X11 application. Once you open X11.app, choose Customize from the Applications menu in the menu bar to add additional programs, like claws-mail, to that menu.

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