'claws-mail' re-installed, and now runs / minimization problem

Vlado Plaga rechner at vlado-do.de
Sat Aug 28 06:38:55 PDT 2010

Am Wed, 25 Aug 2010 10:08:10 -0600
schrieb dushanm at spinn.net:

> After re-installing 'claws-mail' and then typing its name in
> Terminal, as you instructed, it now runs. 

Hey, I'm glad to hear you can use claws-mail now! I'm a claws-mail
user and fan, and for the Macports Portfile I'm also the maintainer -
so I like hearing from others who use it on Mac OS. I'm frequently
switching between Mac OS and Linux (which I prefer, but which does not
have 3D, Flash or "sleep mode" support on my PPC iMac).

> Even then it was playing
> coy, tho: As soon as I hit Enter, a new window appeared and
> immediately shrank and dove to the Dock. 

Claws-mail is also doing that on my Mac OS, has already been doing
that before I became the maintainer. It is annoying, but I got used to
it. On my system claws-mail just minimizes and immediately comes up
again, though. There is no such problem on Linux, and displaying
folders with many mails is significantly faster too. Strangely so, I
would say, because all my e-mails are always on a Mac (hfsplus)



       Vlado Plaga                        __o
    http://vlado-do.de                 _o/\<,_
    update: 2010-07-03                 (U)/ (u)

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