automoc install failed on OSX 10.4 intel

Joachim Osnabryg osna at
Fri Feb 5 08:45:17 PST 2010

Still hoping to get the kile-devel port once working, after the failed
port installation (see the thread "kile-devel port failed on Tiger" some
day ago) …

… I made a port install of cmake (given that there had been many Cmake
Errors and a  hint that Cmake might not be correctly installed or
configured) with the following response:

$ sudo port install cmake
--->  Computing dependencies for cmake
--->  Cleaning cmake
… … $

Given that there were no errors or warnings I hoped to get also automoc
(the other error problem in the failed port install of kile-devel before).

But again there were errors - I attach the terminal output both of

$ sudo port install automoc
$ sudo port install -d automoc

which I am not able to find out what all is wrong and how to proceed.

So I am asking for help again.

What are the main information the terminal output is giving?

How should I proceed to get an working installation of cmake & automoc?
… and/or of kile-devel at the end?

Are there any informations that someone had already installed the
kile-devel port on Tiger?

(with growing doubts, that Macports is a useful helper to install and
configure the portfiles which are provided).
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger
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