bash_profile causing problems
Jurgen Sidgman
sidgman at
Wed Feb 17 09:32:56 PST 2010
Does any one know why the following lines in my .bash_profile would impair the functioning of ports?
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
I just created the bash_profile to give some coloring to my shell. I used only the lines above. Immediately my macports installation failed with no command found. None of my ports worked anymore. I move the bash_profile to my desktop and immediately ports began working again. By the way, the man pages stopped working too. I try fixing this using unset MANPATH but this solution did not work either.
What is that my bash_profile should say to have ports working with the lines above?
Thank you,
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