PHP errors after installation MAMP via MacPorts

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Jan 16 15:20:55 PST 2010

On Jan 16, 2010, at 05:54, Jasper Frumau wrote:

> Addedd
> php_flag short_open_tag on 
> to .htaccess and that works. But I would like to search the theme files for any instances of <? and replace them by <?php so the theme will work on servers where I will have to work with short tags turned off. I understood this could be done from the command line. But it seems a little complicated... I will see if I can do this with textmate as well...

Yeah, I'd use a GUI for this. I personally use TextWrangler because it's free but TextMate is nice too.

Please send a patch with your changes to the developer of the theme so they can be incorporated in their next release.

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