php mcrypt uiversal

Scott Haneda talklists at
Sat Jan 16 19:41:33 PST 2010

>> Would it not be better to list mhash as a dependency for php5-mcrypt?  Seems that would have solved this.  I actually am not entirely sure why I got that error, I should not have, unless it just did not see it entirely, since it was not built as +univeral, so it was as good as not there.
>> If that is the case, then I can not see why it would be a bad idea to add mhash as a dependency to php5-mcrypt.
> Changing where the dependency is listed makes no difference. If you already had mhash installed non-universal, MacPorts will not try to rebuild it universal, unless you tell it to.

Ryan, thanks for all your other answers, it all makes a lot of sense now. The above is where I was stuck in understanding what was going on.  Also, thanks for the pointer to the dependency tree tool, that is really nice.  I am going to get that working now.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

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