Need clarification on install procedure

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Jul 2 11:44:09 PDT 2010

On Jul 1, 2010, at 23:26, Bill Christensen wrote:
> At 8:44 AM -0500 7/1/10, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Jun 30, 2010, at 13:15, Bill Christensen wrote:
>>> At 2:29 AM -0500 6/30/10, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> So you edited the php5 Portfile to change the configure.args, I guess? What kinds of changes did you need to make?
>>> Yep.  The original config had "--without mysql" for instance, and I added pear supprt as well.
>> You don't need to edit the port to get MySQL support; instead, you use the php5-mysql port.
> Right.  At least, not today.  Last time I did it, that's what was needed afaik.

I'm glad you got it working to your satisfaction now. But for the record, you should never have needed to edit the php5 portfile to get MySQL support. PHP and MySQL go together like peanut butter and jelly, and MySQL support has been present in the PHP portfiles ever since php4 was initially added to MacPorts 7 years ago.

Initially this support was in the form of the +mysql variant, and later the +mysql4 and +mysql5 variants, until I moved it to the separate php5-mysql port last year.

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