Functionality like "yum whatprovides" in MacPorts?

Jon Hermansen jon.hermansen at
Sun Jul 25 23:42:39 PDT 2010

Nevermind, I found it in package 'md5sha1sum'

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 11:26 PM, Jon Hermansen <jon.hermansen at>wrote:

> Hello all,
>  I'm trying to find out what package includes the executable 'md5sum' but
> have (as of yet) been unable to find it. YUM provides a "whatprovides"
> function where I can provide a path (with wildcards, eg "*/md5sum" and it
> will return the binary package that contains it. Does MacPorts retain some
> function that tracks installed files, and does it also provide functionality
> to search typically installed binaries? I realize that variants may vary a
> package's installed binaries, and as such, MacPorts may be unable to
> reliably provide this information, but I thought it was worth asking.
> Alternatively, does anyone know what incantation I can execute to install
> 'md5sum' on my system? I thought it might belong to coreutils but I still
> don't have it...
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely,
> JH
> --
> Jon Hermansen
> jon.hermansen at

Jon Hermansen
jon.hermansen at
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