selfupdate error
tome at QX.Net
tome at QX.Net
Thu Jul 29 07:51:51 PDT 2010
>>>------- Original Message -------
>>>From : Ryan Schmidt[ mailto:ryandesign at ]
>>>Sent : 7/28/2010 10:07:53 AM
>>>To : tome at
>>>Cc : macports-users at
>>>Subject : RE: Re: selfupdate error
>>On Jul 27, 2010, at 13:03, tome at QX.Net wrote:
>>> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> On Jul 27, 2010, at 10:54, tome at QX.Net wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to run 'sudo port -d selfupdate' on a powerpc (pismo) running OS X 10.4.11 and encountering the following error messages
>captured from stderr:
>>>> [snip]
>>>>[from attached logfile:]
>>>>> /bin/sh: line 3: make: command not found
>>>> Does "make" exist in /usr/bin? Do you have Xcode installed? If you don't, install Xcode 2.5. If you do, reinstall Xcode 2.5 :) making sure not to
>>>> the command-line development option.
>>>Thanks! I do not know why things are the way they are, but a 'which make' revealed '/opt/local/bin/make', which points to gmake in the same
>>> location. There was nothing in /usr/bin, so I created a link to '/opt/local/bin/make', and selfupdate ran fine. There are too many moving parts to
>>> computer stuff, but sadly, all of them seem to be mine!
>>That's probably not a good idea
>>You should remove the /usr/bin/make symlink you just created, and instead, install Xcode properly, as I showed above.
>Will do!
Reinstalled Xcode 2.5. Doing this allowed some light to filter thru the gray matter, so here is what I have now and and a somewhat blurred account of
what happened, with one possibly off subject question:
Before MacPorts I wanted ffmpeg, so I downloaded a zip file and started learning the configure/make process. Questions about errors lead to the
suggestions that I update Xcode from 2.0 to 2.5, which I think lead to the enlightenment that ffmpeg could only be compiled with 'make 3.81'. Since
Xcode 2.5 has 'make 3.80', I continued my learning process by downloading GNU Make 3.81 source package and did configure/make which by default
put the gmake in /usr/local/bin. Out smarting my self I created a link in /usr/bin to my new gmake. A few option/variant solutions later I had my
ffmpeg skeleton (few included libs). Having learned so much I immediately wanted a full blown version of ffmpeg, so I went about learning how I could
get one without all the headaches of the basic installation, and came across MacPorts. A few headaches later I had a Macports version of ffmpeg, with
the /opt/local/bin search at the beginning of my path. Please with myself I merrily went on my way. PROBABLY, somewhere alone the way to self
adulation, I needed something to see a 'make' somewhere and created the make -> gmake link in /opt/local/bin. As it stands now I have /usr/bin/
make -> /usr/bin/gnumake, which is 3.80. I also have /opt/local/bin/gmake, which is 3.81. When I do 'which make' I see /usr/bin/make. I assume
that MacPorts knows to look in /opt/local/bin for what it wants. I hope this is the way it should be.
My question: The only reason that I have Xcode is to have a compiler for my hobbyist level C utilities, AND to meet the MacPorts requirement. From
my hobbyist viewpoint, I do not need the 1.5Gig of development stuff under the /Developer directory. I could really use the space. Can I delete the
/Developer directory and still have MacPorts work?
>>You should also not have a file /opt/local/bin/make; you should only have /opt/local/bin/gmake, as provided by the gmake port.
>>Do you have any idea why you have a file /opt/local/bin/make?
>>What does "port provides /opt/local/bin/make" say? If it says it is not provided by a MacPorts port, delete it as well.
>It said not provided by Macports. Will delete.
>>Using a version of make for MacPorts that is not the version provided by Xcode will likely cause you problems with some ports in the future, so it's
>best to clean this up now.
>Will do!
>Thanks for the follow-up!
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