unable to install Alpine on Mac OS X

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Jun 7 05:07:28 PDT 2010

On Jun 7, 2010, at 00:10, dushanm at spinn.net wrote:

> After downloading and successfully installing MacPorts 1.8.2 on a MacPro
> (4 Intel processors) running Snow Leopard 6.3, I tried to do a port install
> of Alpine 2.00.  This failed for what looks to be the same reason as
> described in Ticket #24954:
>   Undefined symbols: _libintl_setlocale 
> My system info: 
> [~]$ => sw_vers
> ProductName:	Mac OS X
> ProductVersion:	10.6.3
> BuildVersion:	10D573 
> [~]$ => uname -a
> Darwin DMs-Mac-Pro.local 10.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.0: Fri Feb 26
> 11:58:09 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.3.12~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
> Xcode:
> Version:	3.2
> Last Modified:	2010/6/5 3:34 PM
> Kind:	Universal
> 64-Bit (Intel):	Yes
> Get Info String:	Xcode version 3.2
> Location:	/Developer/Applications/Xcode.app 
> I copied the output of 'sudo port -d install alpine @2.00' to a file and
> can provide it if necessary, but my impression from the description on
> Ticket #24954 is that the defect is still unresolved.  Is that correct? 

It's correct the ticket is unresolved. I hadn't seen it until you pointed it out just now. I have no trouble building alpine on Snow Leopard so something is different about your system than mine. The ticket was filed by someone with a Leopard ppc machine, so I'm also testing on my Leopard ppc Mac to see if I can reproduce the problem there.

Could you show us what ports are installed on your system?

port installed | tee ~/Desktop/portsinstalled.txt

Then attach the file portsinstalled.txt from your desktop to your reply email. I wonder if you have some port installed that I don't, that's getting picked up by alpine and messing with things.

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