MacPorts' Gimp plugins installation folder located where?

Jasper Frumau jasperfrumau at
Sun Jun 13 01:40:03 PDT 2010

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Jasper Frumau <jasperfrumau at>wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Jasper Frumau <jasperfrumau at>wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Just installed MacPorts 1.9 a day or two ago and decided to install Gimp
>> again. Wanted to work with it again after reading a great article on the
>> possibilities using Gimp plus some extensions. Now when I open a certain
>> .psd file I get Opening '/Users/jasper/Webdesign/file.psd' failed: Error
>> loading PSD file: Unsupported color mode: CMYK . I decided to get the
>> separate plugin @
>> to
>> hopefully solve this issue. But I have no clue where the Gimp's plugin
>> folder is under MacPorts. Any ideas?
> Well I did not find plugins @ $HOME/Library/Applications Support/ , but
> after looking for a pre-installed plugin that is installed with gimp for
> MacPorts I found:
> jasper$ pwd
> /opt/local/lib/gimp/2.0
> Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:2.0 jasper$ ls
> environ        interpreters    modules        plug-ins    python
> and there I found many pre-installed plugins:
> jasper$ cd plug-ins
> Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:plug-ins jasper$ ls
> alien-map        despeckle        file-psd-load        iwarp
> align-layers        destripe        file-psd-save        jigsaw
> animation-optimize    diffraction        file-psp        jp2
> qbist
> animation-play        displace        file-raw        lcms
> red-eye-removal
> antialias        edge            file-sgi        lens-apply        ripple
> apply-canvas        edge-dog        file-sunras        lens-distortion
>     rotate
> blinds            edge-laplace        file-svg        lens-flare
> sample-colorize
> blur            edge-neon        file-tga        lighting        screenshot
> blur-gauss        edge-sobel        file-tiff-load        macfile
>     script-fu
> blur-gauss-selective    emboss            file-tiff-save        mail
>     selection-to-path
> blur-motion        engrave            file-uri        map-object
> semi-flatten
> border-average        file-aa            file-wmf        max-rgb
> sharpen
> bump-map        file-bmp        file-xbm        maze            shift
> cartoon            file-cel        file-xjt        metadata        sinus
> channel-mixer        file-compressor        file-xpm        mosaic
>     smooth-palette
> checkerboard        file-csource        file-xwd        newsprint
> softglow
> cml-explorer        file-desktop-link    film            nl-filter
> sparkle
> color-cube-analyze    file-dicom        filter-pack        noise-hsv
> sphere-designer
> color-enhance        file-faxg3        flame            noise-randomize
>     threshold-alpha
> color-exchange        file-fits        noise-rgb
> tile
> color-rotate        file-fli        fractal-explorer    noise-solid
> tile-glass
> color-to-alpha        file-gbr        fractal-trace        noise-spread
>     tile-paper
> colorify        file-gif-load        gee            nova
> tile-seamless
> colormap-remap        file-gif-save        gee-zoom        oilify
>     tile-small
>        file-gih        gfig            pagecurl        twain
> compose            file-glob        gimp-lqr-plugin
>    ufraw-gimp
> contrast-normalize    file-header        gimpressionist
>        unit-editor
> contrast-retinex    file-html-table        gradient-flare
>    unsharp-mask
> contrast-stretch    file-ico        gradient-map        photocopy
> value-invert
> contrast-stretch-hsv    file-jpeg        grid            pixelize
> value-propagate
> convolution-matrix    file-mng        guillotine        plasma
> van-gogh-lic
> crop-auto        file-pat        gutenprint        plug_in_lqr_iter
> video
> crop-zealous        file-pcx        help            plugin-browser
> warp
> cubism            file-pdf        hot            polar-coords        waves
> curve-bend        file-pix        icns            print
> web-browser
> decompose        file-png        ifs-compose        procedure-browser
> whirl-pinch
> deinterlace        file-pnm        illusion        wind
> depth-merge        file-ps            imagemap
> xsane
> but not separate. Now the question is how I would do this properly with the
> data I got at
> ...

Well I found a  README with help  in the separate+-0.5.7 folder which I

jasper$ cd ~/Downloads
Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:Downloads jasper$ cd separate+-0.5.7
Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:separate+-0.5.7 jasper$ make -f Makefile.macosx
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c separate-core.c
separate-core.c: In function ‘setup_transform’:
separate-core.c:143: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
separate-core.c:201: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
separate-core.c: In function ‘separate_proof’:
separate-core.c:600: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
separate-core.c:612: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c separate-gui.c
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c
separate-export.c: In function ‘create_psd_path_resource’:
separate-export.c:155: warning: initialization discards qualifiers from
pointer target type
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c util.c
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c tiff.c
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c psd.c
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c jpeg.c
jpeg.c: In function ‘jpeg_write_image_data’:
jpeg.c:239: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘jpeg_write_scanlines’ from
incompatible pointer type
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c iccbutton.c
iccbutton.c: In function ‘readLocalizedText’:
iccbutton.c:372: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target
iccbutton.c:375: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target
iccbutton.c:440: warning: passing argument 6 of ‘g_convert’ from
incompatible pointer type
gcc -g  separate-core.o separate-gui.o separate-export.o util.o tiff.o psd.o
jpeg.o iccbutton.o -o separate -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --libs` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --libs` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs`
`pkg-config lcms --libs` -ltiff -ljpeg
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c import.c
gcc -g  import.o -o separate_import -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation
`pkg-config gimp-2.0 --libs` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --libs` `pkg-config
gtk+-2.0 --libs` `pkg-config lcms --libs` -ltiff -ljpeg
gcc -g -DMACOSX
-I/System/Library/Frameworks/Corefoundation.Framework/Headers `pkg-config
gimp-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0 --cflags` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0
--cflags` `pkg-config lcms --cflags` -DENABLE_COLOR_MANAGEMENT -DENABLE_NLS
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="\"gimp20-separate\"" -DUSE_ICC_BUTTON -c icc_colorspace.c
gcc -g  icc_colorspace.o iccbutton.o -o icc_colorspace -Wl,-framework
-Wl,CoreFoundation `pkg-config gimp-2.0 --libs` `pkg-config gimpui-2.0
--libs` `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs` `pkg-config lcms --libs` -ltiff -ljpeg
make PREFIX="/opt/local" -C po
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:separate+-0.5.7 jasper$ sudo make -f Makefile.macosx
install -d "/opt/local/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins"
install -c -s separate separate_import icc_colorspace
make PREFIX="/opt/local" -C po install
linguas="cs fr ja ru pl ko"; \
    for lang in $linguas; do \
        dir="/opt/local/share/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES"; \
        mkdir -p "$dir"; \
        install -m 644 -c $ "$dir/"; \
        echo "installing $ as $dir/"; \
installing as
installing as
installing as
installing as
installing as
installing as

So I compiled the plug-in using their instructions. Then I restarted Gimp
and tried to open the CYMK based psd again. Unfortunately I got the same

Opening '/Users/jasper/Webdesign/file.psd' failed:

Error loading PSD file: Unsupported color mode: CMYK

This plugin was installed:

Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:2.0 jasper$ cd plug-ins
Jaspers-MacBook-Pro:plug-ins jasper$ ls | grep sep

 so it should work, but maybe it only for a conversion of RGB to CYMK files.
I will ask for some more assistance at the Gimp forum..

>> Thanks,
>> Jasper
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