Can't find Kate in KDE packages

Scott Webster sewebster at
Sun Jun 13 20:32:13 PDT 2010

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Hal Vaughan <hal at> wrote:
> Finally found it through trial and error: it's in kdesdk4.
> (Isn't one of the reasons of computers and all those wonderful commands like grep, sort, less, and so on to make it easy to find things like that?  Why can't I just search all the ports, whether installed or not, and find which one provides a particular program?)

My understanding is that Macports just pulls the source files from the
net and then compiles them, making any changes necessary for them to
work on a mac.  This means that they don't really
know/control/keep-track-of exactly what files are in the source and
catalog them for you.  I do agree that this might be useful...

It is somewhat odd to me that the kate webpage says that kate is in
kdebase and on macports (elsewhere too?) it is in kdesdk4, but I don't
know much about kde.


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