almost 20GB lost on "scribus" compile...get it back?

Arno Hautala arno at
Sun Mar 28 18:48:00 PDT 2010

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 21:40, AinSophAur33 <allmusicpwns at> wrote:
> But now, even with that uninstalled, I'm still at only 3 GB of free hard
> disk space, and it's decreasing it a swapfile that I missed?
> Is there any way I can get that 20 GB back?

That would be the partially compiled components and the packages that
had to be downloaded.
You should be able to clean all of these using the command:

port clean --all all

If you're still missing large amounts of space it could be system swap
space.  What does the following yield?

ls -lah /var/vm/

arno  s  hautala    /-|   arno at

pgp eabb6fe6 d47c500f b2458f5d a7cc7abb f81c4e00

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