fvwm - where's pager??

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Tue Mar 30 23:47:01 PDT 2010

On Mar 31, 2010, at 01:38, Pau wrote:

> Thanks for the many replies. I am an OpenBSD user but open does not
> recognise all of the hardware on the mac. While I am now using open on
> the mac, I was wondering whether I could get fvwm up and runnning on
> it. It would help a lot. I am very confused with the aqua interface.

Sorry to hear that. There are of course many venues where you can learn more about the Mac interface.

> If fvwm is messed, where should I look to find out what's the problem?
> Where is the default fvwmrc file? I do not understand how the mac
> works. "locate" seems not to work.

"locate" works fine if you enable it. If you run "locate" and haven't enabled it yet, it should tell you how to enable it.

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