Graphviz Installed With MacPorts Problem

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu May 20 12:30:12 PDT 2010

On May 20, 2010, at 13:48, Amanda Mays wrote:

> I installed Graphviz with MacPorts as well as the GUI software.  I am on a MacBook using Doxygen.  In the config file, I checked HAVE_DOT and chose /usr/local/share/graphviz
> for the path.  No graphs run.  I get this error:
> Generating graph info page...
> sh: dot: command not found
> Problems running dot: exit code=127, command='dot', arguments='"/Users/amandamays/Documents/Doxygen Documentation Sets/html/" -Tpng -o "/Users/amandamays/Documents/Doxygen Documentation Sets/html/graph_legend.png"'
> My dot file is in /usr/local/bin.  What am I doing wrong?  Any help would be appreciated.

MacPorts installs in /opt/local, not /usr/local.

The dot program should be in the directory /opt/local/bin, so that's probably the path you have to inform your GUI about.

If you also have a non-MacPorts version of Graphviz (or anything else, for that matter) installed in /usr/local, you should remove that because it could interfere with MacPorts.

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