kdkenlive fails to configure

Mark Szymanski mark6691 at att.net
Mon Nov 1 13:44:31 PDT 2010

Sorry, I really don't know why the frustration got to me - I know better since I 
work in the IT field. I apologize to anyone I may have irritated. I do 
understand the maintainers have a lot on their plates, and also that kdenlive is 
to be released with a new version. I look forward to that and hope it may prove 
to get my foot in the door on this platform.

I just tried your suggestion about changing the line about the PortGroup, did a 
clean, selfupdate, upgrade outdated, and install kdenlive, but no luck. Still 
the same error. I will keep monitoring and trying.


From: Chris Jones <christopher.rob.jones at cern.ch>
To: Mark Szymanski <mark6691 at att.net>
Cc: macports-users at lists.macosforge.org
Sent: Mon, November 1, 2010 1:18:04 PM
Subject: Re: kdkenlive fails to configure


The KDE4/QT4 ports are under going what a lot of upheaval at the moment, to move 
to KDE 4.5.X and QT 4.7.X. kdenlive just hasn't been updated yet to adapt. 
You've just tried at a bad moment.... No need for the rant below, it doesn't 
help. Those maintaining the kde4 ports (I'm not one) are doing a great job 

In a lot of cases the changes required are just to change the line

PortGroup           kde4   1.0

in the Portfile to

PortGroup           kde4   1.1

I suggest you give it a go...

cheers Chris

On 1 Nov 2010, at 3:18pm, Mark Szymanski wrote:

Does anyone have an answer to why "Qt qmake not found!" error is preventing the 
kdenlive install on Mac OS X 10.5.8. I have tried everything from installing 
MacPorts using subversion, source, and currently the .dmg package after 
cleaning, etc... . I have even tried to install using a local port but portindex 
fails in parsing the Portfile created according to the directions found in the 
MacPorts Guide section 4.6.
>I will also mention that I have two successful installs on openSuSE Linux: one 
>on my primary PC at home, the other on a Dell D820 Latitude laptop. Both 
>machines run kdenlive like they own it. So what is so great about a Mac that it 
>won't install this software so that any user doesn't have to practically become 
>a hacker just to get to install and be able to run it? A pretty, pretty 
>interface just doesn't make up for functionality in the end, 
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