Fwd: creating MacTeX links to MacPorts TeXLive

Keith J. Schultz keithjschultz at web.de
Thu Nov 4 01:42:26 PDT 2010

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: "Keith J. Schultz" <keithjschultz at web.de>
> Datum: 4. November 2010 09:39:58 MEZ
> An: Dan Ports <dports at macports.org>
> Betreff: Re: creating MacTeX links to MacPorts TeXLive
> Hi,
> 	I have a few points question:
> 		1) The tex-live 2009 port shoud not be upgraded when installing tex-live 2010
> 			a) they are so to say two different aninmals
> 			b) Tex-live distributions 2009 and 2010 can co-exist
> 		2) Updating of the Tex-Live distribution is done via tlmgr (TexLive manager)
> 			Is it supported or will it work with the MacPorts version?
> 		3) Is the Tex Distribution Preference Pane supported?
> 		        a) refers partly to 1b
> 		4) Where do the MacTextras go? Into the MacPorts Directory(Folder) in Applications?
> 		5) There is the BasicTex distribution for TeXLive. Maybe that is what you are looking for
> 		     to divide TeX up.
> 			a) BasicTeX can also coexist with TeX-Live 2010 and the others!
> 		I realize that the TeX-Live distribution is a very special case for MacPorts. 
> regards
> 	Keith.
> Am 02.11.2010 um 06:24 schrieb Dan Ports:
>> On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 03:39:30PM -0400, Faisal Moledina wrote:
>>> This all sounds great to me. Let me know if there's anything I can
>>> help test for this. I'm curious as to why all the binaries are
>>> currently in one port?
>> I just implemented this and checked it in on my texlive 2010 branch.
>> You (and anyone else interested in TeX Live 2010) might want to follow
>> ticket #26430 for more information:
>> http://trac.macports.org/ticket/26430
>> I'm not sure it's really ready for testing yet, but it should be pretty
>> close -- I'm using it to edit a paper now. 
>> As for why we have only one port for binaries, it's because texlive is
>> distributed as one monolithic source tarball, and its build scripts are
>> designed to build it all at once. Actually, it even includes the source
>> for all of the libraries it depends on, although we basically don't use
>> those. In general, I think it's more geared to use in a binary
>> distribution.
>> I'd love to see texlive-bin broken up into smaller ports someday but
>> that's not an easy task...

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