creating MacTeX links to MacPorts TeXLive

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Nov 5 00:44:13 PDT 2010

On Nov 5, 2010, at 02:05, Keith J. Schultz wrote:

>>> 		2) Updating of the Tex-Live distribution is done via tlmgr (TexLive manager)
>>> 			Is it supported or will it work with the MacPorts version?
>> No -- if texlive is installed through MacPorts, it needs to be updated
>> via MacPorts. We don't support (and don't install) tlmgr because having
>> another package manager in use can cause problems as they will  interfere
>> with each other.
> 	Yes, Ports SHOULD be updated via MacPorts. Yet, I have check my MacTeX distribution
> 	and the binaries do not have seemed to have be changed!! Yet, using the TeX Live Utility
> 	(GUI to tlmgr) I have notice that scripts and packages are updated daily!!!
> 	In effect this means that users are stuck with a Tex-Live distribution that is FROZEN in time
> 	as far as PACKAGES are concerned. There is quite alot of development going on in the unicode
> 	support in TeX, especially Xe(La)TeX, Lua, Context, etc. I would think tlmgr support of the utmost
> 	importance. 
> 	Probably, there could be support for tlmgr, once support is there for the TeX Distribution Preference Pane.
> 	There seems to already some support for MacPorts in it. 

There cannot be support in MacPorts for tlmgr if the purpose of tlmgr is to update software that was installed by MacPorts. MacPorts must remain the only mechanism by which software installed with MacPorts is updated, otherwise MacPorts cannot fulfill its primary functions of being able to reliably install, upgrade and uninstall software for you.

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