gnome starter

Keith J. Schultz keithjschultz at
Thu Nov 25 04:03:06 PST 2010

Hi Io,

	I do admit that I have no direct need for gnome, though I do want to try it out.
	I agree with you that there has not been a satisfying answer on how to get gnome 
	working through Macports.

	I am trying to figure it out. Maybe someone who has gnome running can post on their setup.

	The way I look at the problem is with dbus and how to get it working under Snow Leopard.
	I had run the the commands listed in port notes dbus. But, evidently, under Snow Leopard
	requires more tweeking than is documented. 

	I will post again once I get things running.


Am 25.11.2010 um 11:57 schrieb io:

> Thank you for the very detailed answer.
> However, I think there is a basic problem regarding ports and, e.g., gnome or kde.
> A large part the of would be  Mac port users of gnome are end user as I am, and there is a striking disproportion between the enormous work to port gnome and the lack  and sloppiness of documentation to get it started: all the your suggestion and the other tricks you are lacking of should be transparent to me because they should be encompassed in a well constructed starter shell script  for gnome. Otherwise,  a toy was built to satisfy some personal proudness.

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