BIND 9.7 (and Webmin)

Bill Christensen billc_lists at
Sat Sep 18 12:28:14 PDT 2010

Excellent.  Did the trick.

plus I learned a new MacPorts trick: contents.


At 8:04 AM -0700 9/18/10, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
>On Sep 18, 2010, at 2:18 AM, Bill Christensen wrote:
>>HI folks,
>>I was recently asked by my credit card processor to update BIND to 
>>9.6.1 or later.  The BIND I was using was the one that comes with 
>>10.6.4 - 9.6.0, I think.
>>So of course being a fan of MacPorts I installed the latest, 9.7.1. 
>>I removed the startup item for the previous version.  But I seem to 
>>be missing something critical in the setup as port 53 isn't open 
>>any more and it's not responding to queries.  I see named running, 
>>and when I restart BIND the pid changes so I think I'm good there.
>>I've checked the settings against the old ones and against another 
>>live server with the apple-installed BIND, and I've got some parts 
>>working (I can view/add/delete zones) but as is often the case with 
>>MacPorts-installations various bits and pieces aren't in mirrored 
>>locations within /opt/local/.
>>I'm using Webmin, and a few things eluded me in the config - full 
>>path to whois, ndc, rndc, rndc.conf, dnssec.keygen, and 
>>dnssec-signzone.  And if there's any other thing which may be 
>>causing the problem that comes to mind, I'd like to hear it.
>$ which whois
>$ which ndc
>$ which rndc
>$ port contents bind9
>// Brad

Bill Christensen

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