Install port without dependencies?

Rainer Müller raimue at
Thu Sep 23 06:51:03 PDT 2010


On 2010-09-23 13:30 , Joost Kremers wrote:
> I'm running OS X 10.6 and have LaTeX installed through MacTeX (which is
> essentially TeXLive). Now I'd like to install a programme called 'rubber', which
> is available through MacPorts. TeXLive is a runtime dependency, but obviously I
> have no interest in installing the texlive port, because I already have MacTeX.
> Is there a way to install a port and have it ignore one of its dependencies?
> Preferably in a persistant way, so that future upgrades won't try to install
> texlive either?

There is no way to ignore dependencies, but they can be satisfied by
other means than installing ports. In this case, rubber actually depends
on bin:latex:texlive (see 'port -v info'). This means it only needs
'latex' anywhere in PATH and this dependency will be satisfied.

If I remember correctly, MacTeX is using /usr/texbin for the executables
and was added to your PATH?

You can use MacTeX instead of texlive from MacPorts by adding this path
to the front of the binpath setting in
/opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf. Then this path will be considered
while searching for bin: dependencies and installing rubber should no
longer try to install texlive from MacPorts.


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