How to install a perl packages that is not available in mac port?

Peng Yu pengyu.ut at
Sun Aug 14 08:49:01 PDT 2011

On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 9:29 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2011, at 09:22, Peng Yu wrote:
>> I'm wondering how to install a perl package if it is not available on
>> mac port. I remember that I can not use cpan, as it will mess up with
>> port installation.
> Correct, using cpan, or other non-MacPorts methods, to install files into the MacPorts prefix, is not recommended.
>> I tried the following. But I'm not sure how to install once the
>> package is built on my machine.
> Using cpan2port is a great way to get a start at a Portfile that can be used to install the port.
> Testing a local portfile is easy. Simply "cd" into the new port's directory and type "sudo port install".
> Once you have a port that works, you can submit it by creating a ticket in the issue tracker.

It is not quite clear to me how to submit the package that ported. How
to specify the dependencies? Would you please let me know?

Also, is there a chance that a cpan package will not work with port?
If it is always going to work, can we automatically port all cpan
packages to mac port so that less human intervention is needed?


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