disk I/O error (10) while executing query: ATTACH DATABASE '/opt/local/var/macports/registry/registry.db' AS registry

Kevin Reid kpreid at switchb.org
Fri Aug 19 09:13:56 PDT 2011

On Aug 19, 2011, at 8:58, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> I have apparently royally screwed my registry.
> $ port info zlib
> sqlite error: disk I/O error (10) while executing query: ATTACH DATABASE '/opt/local/var/macports/registry/registry.db' AS registry
> ...
> All I did was interrupt a build:

I find it less likely that anything MacPorts does could cause a disk IO error, than that you actually have a disk problem. Check the system logs for kernel error messages, and make sure your backups are up to date!

Kevin Reid                                  <http://switchb.org/kpreid/>

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