perl5, perl5.* changes

Martin Krischik krischik at
Sat Feb 26 09:31:30 PST 2011

Am 25.02.11 18:28, schrieb Eric Hall:

> 	If you have perl modules that have compiled
> bits in them they will need to be rebuilt when you 
> upgrade between perl versions (perl5.8 to perl5.12 for
> example).  The same goes if you change perl5.8 variants
> like +threads.

Good that we are all great perl gurus who know how to do that.


I just want to compile GIMP and it fails on f**in “XML::Parser perl
module is required for intltool” and I haven't got the faintest glue
about Perl. And in fact: Perl is the only programming language on the
planet I don't want to know about.

And this problems only enforce my dislike for b**dy Perl.

Martin Krischik

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